週刊文春デジタル(February 16th 2020)
Read our CEOs comments on illegal foreign work in this article about how illegal foreign labour was discovered allegedly being used by いきなりステーキ(Ikinari Steak).
Link to the Article:荘内日報掲載 (December 1st 2019)
Our CEO was featured in this edition of the Yamagata newspaper when we held 4 seminars over Yamagata about making the most of the foreign workforce.
山形新聞掲載(November 29th 2019)
Our CEO was featured in the most popular newspaper in all of Yamagata when we held 4 seminars in over Yamagata about making the most of the foreign workforce.
Our CEO was featured in this newspaper when he attended a conference held by industry leaders about the technical intern trainee scheme.
The website Business Lawyers operated by 弁護士ドットコム株式会社 featured interviews with our CEO about how immigration law could be changed and what effects this will have on the employment of foreigners.
第4回 アルバイトの留学生を社員として採用する際の留意点(2019/06/24)
第3回 外国人社員が在留期限の更新を忘れた場合の対応(2019/06/10)
第2回 外国人雇用を働き方改革のチャンスに変える(2019/05/27)
第1回 新在留資格「特定技能」は人手不足解消の特効薬になりえるか(2019/05/20)
Number of Businesses Run by Foreigners Increasing and What the Government Needs to Do to Support Theman report
8 Key Points when hiring foreign exchange students as part-time workers
「The End of Abenomics Stage 1: What Comes Next 」
「Voices of Concerned Raised at Strengthening of Support for Employment of Foreigners Critics claim no Clear Control 」
Abe hopes to roll out red carpet for foreign startups